

Hi, I’m Justin. I launched this site to combine two of my favorite pastimes: writing and food.

In my early 20’s, my stepping foot in a kitchen often meant straddling a fine line between cooking and arson. So I picked up a few cookbooks and, over a period of years, groomed myself from Chef Boyardee to Iron Chef (or at least an Aluminum one).

The two most important women in my life—my mother, a nutritionist, and my girlfriend, a former professional pastry chef—share my passion for all things gustatory. They also taught me that proper nutrition need not come at the expense of flavor—or indulgence. Dieting, after all, is not just about losing weight; it’s a lifestyle.

This blog is about me and my girlfriend’s epicurean adventures, and the joys of cooking, eating, dieting, nutrition, and healthy living. It is dedicated to all those who believe that having a six pack of beer and six-pack abs are not mutually exclusive.

We hope you enjoy it!